Pen Plume (M) Patron of Art Tribute to Peter the Great Limited Edition 4810
Pen Plume (M) Patron of Art Tribute to Peter the Great Limited Edition 4810
Pen Plume (M) Patron of Art Tribute to Peter the Great Limited Edition 4810
Pen Plume (M) Patron of Art Tribute to Peter the Great Limited Edition 4810
Pen Plume (M) Patron of Art Tribute to Peter the Great Limited Edition 4810

Pen Plume (M) Patron of Art Tribute to Peter the Great Limited Edition 4810

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The golden work of the Patron of Art Edition Pierre Le Grand Est modeled on the beautiful courtyard of the Russian Tsar: surrounded by wreaths of laurels, a yellow gold -plated artistic decor surrounds the dark green body of the 4810 edition. cap of the writing instrument is set with precious emeralds, which shine just as green like the body. The two -headed eagle, a reason for the rich iconography of the Tsarist Empire, is engraved on the 750 solid gold pen.

Ident n °: 28634
Launch: 1997
Precious resin